The power of ad-free journalism: 3 reasons to pay for Scroll

Dear reader,

At Scroll, we believe in independent journalism that informs, empowers, and ignites conversation. We strive to deliver in-depth stories, incisive analysis, and fearless reporting – all without the clutter of intrusive ads.

But why is an ad-free experience so important? Here's why:

* Ads Can Compromise Journalism: Traditional ad models can create pressure to cater to advertisers, potentially influencing editorial decisions. We believe journalism thrives when it's accountable only to the truth and its readers.

* Ads Disrupt Your Reading Experience: Pop-ups, autoplay videos, and distracting banners can make consuming news a frustrating experience. With a Scroll membership, you can focus on the story, not the distractions.

* Your Privacy Matters: Ads often track your online activity, creating a digital profile used for targeted advertising. Our ad-free model protects your privacy and allows you to consume news without fear of constant monitoring.

By becoming a Scroll member, you're not just getting rid of ads. You're directly supporting independent journalism that's accountable to you, the reader. You're ensuring Scroll remains a platform for diverse voices and thought-provoking stories.

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Thank you for being a reader.

Team Scroll

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